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Birthday BasketsBirthday Gifts for Men, Women and Children
Book baskets make great birthday gifts for her, him and the kids.

At Book Bouquet we believe books and birthdays go together like cake and candles.

Book baskets make entertaining birthday gifts. Send a birthday gift to him or her. Free ground shipping is included in gifts over $75.00.

Book baskets make great gifts for men and women. Book Bouquet's many book choices make it easy to give a birthday gift basket. Our book lists include thrillers, romances, political books, humor books, history books and adventure stories making it easy to find a birthday gift basket for the book lovers in your life.

Give Books, Share Stories, Make Memories... that's our motto! Give a gift basket with books and you give a piece of yourself. While we can all appreciate the ease of the "ereader" there's something special about holding a book. Turning the pages, smelling that "book" smell, holding another world in your hands, books are magic. So spread some magic today with your gift of a book basket. It's a gift you give that can be opened again and again.
You can rely on Book Bouquet. We make you look good:
  • We've been around since 1998, you can trust us to treat you right, and to send a great gift. We wouldn't have made it this long if we didn't take care of you, our customers!

  • Every gift we've created has been to solve one of our gift giving problems. We know we have a gift that is just right for your special needs too.

  • We are happy to create custom gifts especially for you!

  • Book Bouquet was started when owner, Kim Shanahan, wanted to send a book to a sick friend in the hospital. Click Here to read more of our story.